Maybe I could use the word Landschaft or Paesaggio for these paintings, the English word Landscape seems too imprecise.
In the morning I go to the top of the house and look out over the valley with its thatched cottages, and willow trees, where the river lies hidden. The wooded hill climbs on the other side and then ends with a tree fringed horizon. I stare at this point, and it fascinates me, the nature of the edge, the line between the earth and sky.
It echoes the line between dark and light, and by association good and evil, heaven and earth.
Perhaps without division there is nothing, a thing which is in perfect balance and harmony emanates no phenomena, everything exists in opposition, in struggle, in conflict.
The first paintings I made were from photographs, and they were generally well received, and sold well, I took photographs all the time, and have three memory sticks full of images. I kept sketch books all the time, but I couldn't turn the sketches into paintings, I needed the exact information of a photograph to look at.
Over time I wanted to work only from life, to avoid the photographs, and started to look at stones that I picked up on walks around the chalk downs. I thought the stones , mainly flints, were an echo of the landscape, its terroir .I keep sketching the landscape, with its sinuous lines and the shapes of fields, of trees and the horizon line. This is the direction that I would like to go in, I don't know where it will lead, and that is more exciting than anything else.
I don't know if anybody is interested in all of this , or whether they just want to see the pictures, maybe they will let me know.
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